Carleton Class of 1987




  Reunion Statistics

Goal 15th Reunion Record 1997 Reunion Performance 2002 Reunion Performance
Fundraising $$$ $119,870 $107,841 $33,000 $62,092 (not even close to the record or our goal)
% class contributing 60% 56% ??? 57% (record)
% class attending 25% 21.6% 39% 27% (record)
Number attending  (out of 491) 120 111 184 131

We had a good turnout at the reunion totalling 131 alumni, 49 guests & 89 children.  And the percentage of our class contributing hit a new college record!  But man, did our total dollars number suck.  

Let's take the class of '52 record of $28,000,000 as a goal.  Let's see, if everyone in the class contributes that's just over $57,000 a head.  We kinda did that already this year, only we just gave that amount as the entire class; we just need to change our methods a bit and give that amount from each of us.  So c'mon people, let's get cracking!

For more information on what, who, how and why see the AAF website:

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