Carleton Class of 1987



The Next Generation

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It was great that so many kids came to the reunion.  We had a great turnout - 89  for 131 alum.  Looks like a fair number of us have been pretty busy in the last few years.

Special thanks to Nancy Lee and Kathy Paul for organizing the kids activities.  It was nice to have something for the little tykes to do besides drink Hauenstein out of sippy cups.

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Julie Risser and Kathy Paul Alex, Helena (Haase/Harmon) & Kathy Paul at the mask making
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Kris, Julie, Kathy and various little people. Ian & Eva Anderson Allison (Mason/Risser),Caitlin (Gish/Barton), Helena (Haase/Harmon)
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Alternate take on the kids' picture from the Class dinner Max (Lucas/McAllister) and Caitlin (Gish/Barton)

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